Ruliv is a Non-Profit Public Benefit Organisation facilitating all facets of rural and urban socio-economic development activities including proposal development, process facilitation, programme planning and design, implementation and financial management and monitoring and evaluation. Our team of highly experienced, multi-disciplinary professionals provides such support services to a diverse range of clients, focussing on village-based community development organisations, CBO’s, NGO’s, but also including businesses, local and district municipalities, provincial and national government, state agencies and international development agencies.

Ruliv emanated from a bilateral agreement between the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of South Africa. This was then expressed as an activity of the Office of the Premier (OTP) in the Eastern Cape Province, as – “The Promotion of Rural Livelihoods Programme”, under the authority of the Programmes, Research and Policy Development Branch.

Ruliv has expertise in facilitating the design of development actions, including the implementation management of participatory socio-economic development initiatives, which include:

  • support to governance and institutional development;
  • technical skills training and mentoring expertise;
  • contracts management and support;
  • agro-ecological and small scale farming initiatives;
  • nutrition security and household food gardens design and support;
  • implementation management of corporate social investment programmes.

Ruliv continually tests new international good practice approaches and methodologies in order to ensure the appropriateness of application and relevance to our context of the most current, cutting-edge tools in support of sustainable development. Learning and innovation are valued both within Ruliv and in our partnerships with communities and stakeholders.

Ruliv works primarily in the Eastern Cape Province but our work has extended to Kwa-Zulu Natal, the Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, the North-West Province and even Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Borne out of almost 20 years of trials and fine tuning of methodologies and approaches in and around the broader Eastern Cape Province, our approach remains true to the principle of “a strong democratic, transparent and independent civil society as equal partner to the developmental state”.

This approach was distilled through our learnings from over 15 years of community development facilitation and implementation management experience.

The principle, on which our approach stands, comes from the orientation that communities are resource rich rather than impoverished and in need.

Through the facilitation of in-depth community driven planning processes, priorities are surfaced that are implemented and managed internally and without the need for additional, externally controlled inputs. This allows for a high degree of learning through experience and complete internal control, contributing to long-term sustainability.

The process ensures a high level of democratic practice and the formation of a capable, locally accepted, representative Development Management structure, able to partner the State in any type of local development initiative into the future.

This  approach was distilled through our learnings from over 15 years of community development facilitation and implementation management experience.

The principle, on which our approach stands, comes from the orientation that communities are resource rich rather than impoverished and in need.

Through the facilitation of in-depth community driven planning processes, priorities are surfaced that are implemented and managed internally and without the need for additional, externally controlled inputs. This allows for a high degree of learning through experience and complete internal control, contributing to long-term sustainability.

The process ensures a high level of democratic practice and the formation of a capable, locally accepted, representative Development Management structure, able to partner the State in any type of local development initiative into the future.


Given the dire nutrition situation in under-developed areas of the Province, particularly in pre-teen children, and its massively negative impact on their physical and mental development – as borne out through the education crisis, Ruliv decided that this had to be a priority area of focus.

The introduction of closed loop farming and nutrition production systems achieves two objectives: These gardens ultimately provide the entire spectrum of balanced nutritional intake required to build a healthy family and once established, the food production system will not require any additional external inputs, thereby considering the limited resources available in each household.

Even in its establishment, only locally available resources are utilised, costing little more than human input.


  • garden design, establishment, monitoring and mentoring;
  • training and mentoring of small scale farmers in Agro-ecological farming systems;
  • training of Government extension officers and interested individuals;
  • utilisation of the Ruliv garden as a research and development site for universities and schools;
  • production of organic composts and natural fertilisers;
  • aquaculture/fish production;
  • Technical advice and consultancy; 
  • Future targeting of municipalities as key partners.

Given the dire nutrition situation in under-developed areas of the Province, particularly in pre-teen children, and its massively negative impact on their physical and mental development – as borne out through the education crisis, Ruliv decided that this had to be a priority area of focus.

The introduction of closed loop farming and nutrition production systems achieves two objectives: These gardens ultimately provide the entire spectrum of balanced nutritional intake required to build a healthy family and once established, the food production system will not require any additional external inputs, thereby considering the limited resources available in each household.

Even in its establishment, only locally available resources are utilised, costing little more than human input.


  • garden design, establishment, monitoring and mentoring;
  • training and mentoring of small scale farmers in Agro-ecological farming systems;
  • training of Government extension officers and interested individuals;
  • utilisation of the Ruliv garden as a research and development site for universities and schools;
  • production of organic composts and natural fertilisers;
  • aquaculture/fish production;


  • training in “Asset Based Development (ABD) embedded Integrated Community Development Planning” processes;
  • facilitating leadership development;
  • mentoring community leaders;
  • support development implementation through accompanying Civil Society Organisation’s, community leaders, project structures and committees;
  • assistance in sector planning, with a particular focus on Education, Agriculture, Economic development and Human Settlements;
  • facilitate linkages between social sectors – civil society, state and business; and
  • future targeting of municipalities as partners.


  • training in “Asset Based Development (ABD) embedded Integrated Community Development Planning” processes;
  • facilitating leadership development;
  • mentoring community leaders;
  • support development implementation through accompanying Civil Society Organisation’s, community leaders, project structures and committees;
  • assistance in sector planning, with a particular focus on Education, Agriculture, Economic development and Human Settlements;
  • facilitate linkages between social sectors – civil society, state and business; and
  • future targeting of municipalities as partners.


Ruliv’s approach to directing CSI spend has been fine-tuned over time and resulted in an efficient finance and implementation management system which we now offer to all corporates interested in community development and economic up-liftment through their CSI initiatives.


  • good governance;
  • basic administration;
  • basic computer skills & IT management;
  • finance management & bookkeeping, etc.


Ruliv’s approach to directing CSI spend has been fine-tuned over time and resulted in an efficient finance and implementation management system which we now offer to all corporates interested in community development and economic up-liftment through their CSI initiatives.


  • good governance;
  • basic administration;
  • basic computer skills & IT management;
  • finance management & bookkeeping, etc.
Implementing agent of Bi-lateral agreements for Government:
GTZ (now GIZ) – 12 years of piloting sustainable rural development with the support of the governments of Germany and South Africa.

EU-SURUDEC – 8 years of sustainable rural development implementation to the value of R300 million, in support of community initiatives across the province.

Various support activities (provincial and national) in furthering the National Development objectives.

Ruliv Organic Food Garden, Aqauculture & Training Site:  
Ruliv has established an agro-ecological based food garden at its premises in Southernwood, East London. This garden is utilised as an agro-ecological training centre, research and development site for universities and schools, and is actively producing organic vegetables and fish for sale to the local communities.

Agro-ecological Training, Garden Establishment & Mentoring:
Ruliv provides agro-ecological training to various communities and other interested parties, and where required, will train and assist these individuals in establishing their own agro-ecological food garden. Thereafter, if requested, Ruliv provides mentoring for a period after the training to ensure the sustainability and success of the food garden.

Corporate Social Investment programme implementation:
Implementation agent for the Boss Gaming Group CSI initiative in and around six centres across the province, namely East London, Port Elizabeth, Jeffreys Bay, Mthatha, Matatiele and Lusikisiki.

Household Food and Nutrition Security Programme:
Supplying 16 Community Nutrition and Development Centres (located in Amathole, Buffalo City, Chris Hani, Cacadu, Joe Gqabi, OR Tambo, Alfred Nzo, and Sarah Baartman) with dry goods, locally produced fresh produce including dairy and meat, in order to provide beneficiary communities with nutritional support in partnership with the National Department of Social Development.

Integrated Community Development Planning:
Training in ABD imbedded ICDP, Project Cycle Management, Facilitation and Leadership Development (St Matthews Village – Keiskammahoek, Cata Village – Keiskammahoek, Ndlambe Village – Peddie, and Ngxutyana Village – Willowvale).

Ruliv actively seeks opportunities for strategic partnerships in scaling up this good practice of sustainable development to the benefit of all the Province’s inhabitants.

Ruliv NPC is an approved Public Benefit Organisation in terms of Section 30(3) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962. Ruliv is also approved for purposes of section 18A(1)(a) of the Act. Donations to the organisation will be tax deductible in the hands of the donor in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in section 18A of the Act from 04 February 2015.

Save Tax with a Section 18A Tax Certificate

Ruliv is a registered Public Benefit Organisation in terms of section 30 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 and donations to the organisation are exempt from donations tax in terms of section 56(1)(h) of the Act.

A donation’s certificate in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act can be issued by Ruliv for donations received in excess of R500.00 (Five Hundred Rand) for the exclusive use by Ruliv, the activities of which fall within Part II of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act.

Donations that are allowed  where Ruliv can issue a donation’s certificate are:

  • Donations need to be unencumbered (unconditional) to further the objectives of Ruliv.
  • Donations can be made to specific projects to promote Ruliv’s objectives in furtherance of those community based projects.
  • There must be no contractual obligations that need to be fulfilled or deliverables to be met as a result of this donation.
  • Ruliv must be free to use its discretion as to how the donation will be utilised.

A section 18A tax certificate will be issued in February each year to coincide with the end of the tax year.

If you would like to make a donation of any amount to Ruliv via EFT, please make a deposit into the following account:

Ruliv’s Banking Details

Bank:                        Nedbank

Acc. No.:                   1498 002 463

Branch Code:           198765

Swift Code:               NEDSZAJJ

Should you wish to discuss this further or wish a donation to be used in a specific area of Ruliv’s work, please contact us on +27 (0)43 704 8800 or email

T: 043 704 8800
F: 043 704 8822

NP0 no: 040-052-NP0
Company Reg No: 2003/028401/08
VAT No: 4630231373

© 2017 Ruliv
All Rights Reserved.
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48 St James Road, Southernwood,
East London, 5201, South Africa

P O Box 15071, Beacon Bay,
East London, 5205, South Africa


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